Thursday, April 16, 2009

Savoring all those kicks...

A friend of mine today, Robin, told me to 'savor all those little kicks.' It is not the first time someone has told me it but today it struck a cord (thank you heightened hormone levels). I was talking to Tom and said 'as much as I am looking forward to meeting this baby... I am going to miss this' as I rub my belly. I have enjoyed this vacation so much... just having time to watch my belly as baby moves all around to get comfortable or whatever lil' cabbage is doing in there. I actually had tears in my eyes --- and said I want to do this again. Haven't gone through the joy of labor yet --- but this is such an amazing experience I would not give up for the world. I am so blessed to be given the opportunity to carry our child and feel baby move and grow.

Tom told me that soon that little one is going to be on your chest trying so hard to lift it's head to look at you... Wow, our baby is coming soon.


  1. Hola Mamita... Thank you for sharing your most precious memories with us. You look so beautiful. Yes, please do savor and enjoy does precious moments, the bebe will be here very soon and you will be an amazing mommy. I wish I were up there to see your lil one, hopefully before year end. Love you guys... Many Blessing sent your way! Iris & Jay

  2. That is so true. I loved feeling Walt move in my tummy... but believe me, it just gets better and better (um, after labor anyway!).
